Hijo Fresh, an extension of Hijo Estates, a long standing lauded producer of export quality fruits and vegetables, delivers the vibrant flavors of Mindanao, Philippines, across the world to your doorstep.
Rooted in the fertile soil of this region, it's a farm-to-home initiative celebrating local agricultural heritage, offering you the finest Mindanaoan produce with every delivery.
Rooted in the fertile soil of this region, it's a farm-to-home initiative celebrating local agricultural heritage, offering you the finest Mindanaoan produce with every delivery.

In a harmonious blend of nature and community, we embark on a journey to deepen the roots within the vibrant tapestry of the Mindanao farming communities. Introducing 'Hijo Fresh,' a digital farmers market that not only seeks to cultivate a stronger connection with the local market but also endeavors to nurture and enhance the lives of these communities.